JUDICIARY Latest Features

Chief Inspector Visits Masaka Courts
Standing down 2nd Left, Hon. Justice Stephen Musota, Chief Inspector at the Masaka High Court staff

The Chief Inspector of Courts, Hon. Justice Stephen Musota, on Thursday November 23, 2023 carried out inspections at the Masaka High Court and Masaka Chief Magistrates Court. 

At the High Court, he was welcomed by Hon. Justice Lawrence Tweyanze, HW Borore Julius (Deputy Registrar) and HW Christine Namutebi (Assistant Registrar) while HW Aloysuis Natwijuka (Chief Magistrate, Masaka) was on hand to receive him at Masaka Chief Magistrates Court.

The Chief Inspector interacted with members of the public present at the court and he encouraged them to be patient with the Judicial Officers who are handling a huge backlog.

He applauded the Judicial Officers for embracing Plea Bargaining which has caused a reduction in backlog in criminal cases.

The Chief Inspector was accompanied by HW Catherine Nankanja, Magistrate Grade I Research.

Posted 23rd, November 2023
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